How do I begin the adoption process?
One of the first steps to complete an adoption is to have a home study completed by a licensed adoption agency in your state of residence. The home study process serves several purposes. For the adoptive parents it is a chance to become educated about adoption related issues and to prepare for the role of parenting an adopted child. For the agency, the home study process is used to get to know a family and ensure that the prospective adoptive parent(s) are able to provide a stable loving home environment.
What can I expect when I have my home study completed with Triangle Adoption Services?
There will be at least one scheduled visit in your home and a second visit either in your home or the agency office. Additional visits are scheduled if needed. All adoptive home studies in North Carolina are required to follow standards set forth by the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Social Services. These standards require that we address the following topics:
- Motivation and Readiness to Adopt/Preference for Child seeking to adopt (age/sex/ethnic origin, health of child)
- Feelings about Birthparents/Open adoption
- Personal and family background-Childhood Experiences, milestones, school experiences siblings, losses and challenges and what was learned from them.
- If applicable, cultural sensitivity, trans-racial preparedness
- Marriage and family relationships
- Parenting philosophy/Discipline/Values/and integration of the child into the family
- Family Lifestyle/Home environment
- Health history of the applicants/Stress management
- Education, employment and finances-including insurance coverage and child care plans if needed
- References and criminal background clearances
Knowing what to expect during the interviews is the best way to ease any anxieties that families sometimes experience. We are there to guide you through the adoption process with an approach that is warm and caring.
Do many people get disapproved?
It is actually quite rare for a family to not be approved. Applicants are not expected to be perfect, live in a fancy house or be wealthy. Adoptive families are real people and the stories of their lives are multifaceted with successes and difficulties. The most important quality of all is that families seeking to adopt are motivated by the strong desire to provide a loving and stable forever home to a child. Of course the state has put safeguards in place for the protection of children and these safeguards are ensured by your home study agency.
If an agency uses the application process wisely, any potential roadblocks to approval will be discovered prior to the family paying for the home study.
How long does it take to complete a home study with Triangle Adoption Services?
Depending on how quickly the family is able to submit their application and supporting documentation, it generally takes 4-6 weeks from the date of the second interview. As soon as the family is able to submit their application and service agreement, we are almost always able to accommodate the family with an interview visit within 2 weeks. Prompt service is one of our highest priorities as we understand waiting parents desire to move forward quickly to complete their family!